"Business Buying and Selling made easy"
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Evaluations for individuals who are considering buying a business to help business buyers know if the price they are considering paying is fair market value.
Coordination of the entire process of buying a business ,including working with attorneys, accountants, creditors, lenders, and other advisors involved with both business buyer and seller.
Free Business For Sale search for those looking to buy a business. Give us your criteria, let us understand what you want, tell us about your budget, share your preferences for the kind of businesses that can work for you. Perhaps a franchise is the best fit for you. We represent many proven franchisors.

Return on investment with business ownership is typically higher than the return on stocks, bonds, and real estate.
Since our offices have been involved in the sale of thousands different small businesses of all kinds, sizes, and prices, over the last 26 years, we have a unique data base of in-house information about what the typical buyer experiences in "Return On Investment" (ROI).
We have reports available for review showing the typical ROI for buyers, based on the buyer's investment, the annual cash withdrawals by the buyer of the business after the acquisition, and the equity build-up benefits to the buyer.
It is not uncommon for such investments to return from 25% to 100% or more annually.
Case studies will be provided upon request.
To see these analysis and reports, simply register with this site by clicking on "Register with FNBC™".
Buyers quit good jobs for simple, human reasons...
They don't want to work for the person they work for anymore.
They want to do something new, with new challenges.
Some feel under-appreciated and under-challenged, and know that they are capable of achieving more success than others give them credit for. So, instead of looking for another job, they discover the wonderful world of small business ownership and enter that world by acquiring a small business of their own to run.
They want to change their lives or their lifestyle.
They may not want to keep on doing the same things on into the future.
Some have a passion to control their own destiny, be their own boss, make their own raises, be self-directed, and not be at the mercy or whims of someone or something else.
They want higher income than their jobs provide
They want a higher return on their investment dollars than they can get from CD's, Money Markets, Bonds, Stock Investments or Real Estate.
They want to become entrepreneurs and engage in The Great American Dream of business ownership.
For investors who think opportunistically and entrepreneurially, there has seldom been a better time to make an acquisition. Business owners are motivated to sell and are more willing to price the acquisition to attract buyers.
Financing is readily available with interest charges at very attractive low rates and they are not predicted to rise
substantially soon.
We also anticipate that literally hundreds of thousands of "down sizers", "corporate escapee's" and laid off people, when contemplating what to do with their lives next, will opt to look into acquiring their own business instead of l
ooking for another job.
For prospective buyers of businesses, now is the time to buy. There are so many sellers pricing their profitable businesses to attract buyers.
For owners of businesses, now is the time to sell, with so many buyers looking for opportunities. This phenomenon of motivated buyers and sellers, makes this a great time for either to make their "ideal deal".
It's a very opportune time for business owners to cash out, since
They usually acquired the business years ago at a reasonable cost, rode the wave of growth and prosperity, took cash out annually, reduced their debt, and now are positioned to cash out with excellent gain.
With the recent tax law changes, including allowing owners to allocate much of the price to "good will" (and low-rate, long term capital gain tax treatment), many owners are choosing to place their businesses on the market, not because there's anything wrong with the business, but because it's a good time for the seller to sell.
The owners, like the buyers, simply want to change their lives.
Some owners wish to retire.
Others have partnerships they wish to dissolve.
Some businesses are sold due to divorces, deaths in the family, or because the owner wants to move to a different climate.
Some wish to cash out and use the money for other purposes.
Some owners are simply not interested in doing the same thing any more, just like some buyers quit good jobs...They want to do something different, with different challenges.
Financing for buyers is available from banks, so owners can now sell out and usually receive all-cash at closing.
Owners sell good businesses for human reasons...It's rarely because the business isn't doing well, or for any "sinister" reason. It's almost always because the owner wants to change his life, or his lifestyle...which is also why buyers sometimes quit good jobs and buy a business.
During the wild l986 tax law changes, all of us watched the incredible failures of hundreds of banks and savings and loans.
We also watched the elimination of accelerated depreciation, resulting in enormous concern about the economy and the Resolution Trust Corporation arm of the US government taking over literally trillions of dollars of real estate, office buildings, and other assets of all kinds. Then, the RTC "dumped" all those assets into the economy at bargain basement prices.
Incredible profits were made at that time by investors who were buying. Fortunes were made by investors who had the foresight and confidence to energetically participate in the opportunities those "troubling times" presented.
Interestingly, the economy boomed after that disaster, and almost everyone enjoyed unprecedented profits and appreciation of values in their investments during the years right after that event.
Proving once again the wisdom of ‘being in the game' and not ‘sitting it out'. The national economy now in recovery, has been "stable" since 2001, causing business acquisition opportunities to be priced very attractively, from a buyer's perspective, compared to the higher pricing formulas used in the late 1990'S.
These "bargains" are available currently, even on acquisitions of good businesses with good cash flow. So now is the time to be "in the game" and look into acquiring your own low-risk, profitable business.
For more information about buying a business, we currently have a large selection of active businesses for sale, business opportunities, and franchises available, of all types, all kinds, all prices, in many locations.
To view these opportunities, click onto "Businesses for Sale" at the top of this page. For detailed information, including financial records, narratives, photos, and literature on any listing, please register with this site. Upon receipt of your registration, we will provide you with details on any listings that may be of interest to you.
If you haven't identified your ideal investment, and would like to arrange a no-cost, no obligation consultation, register with this site and we will provide tips & ideas for your consideration.