"Business Buying and Selling made easy"
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FNBC™ Jacksonville, Florida

FNBC® Jacksonville is a fully licensed affiliate office in the First National Business Corporation™ (FNBC™) network of premier business brokerage offices, specializing in listing, analyzing, packaging, marketing and financing of the sale of businesses of all kinds, all sizes, all prices, in the Florida area, and beyond.
Our goal of “Business Buying, Selling, And Financing Made Easy” is more than a slogan. We are dedicated to achieving successful transfers of ownership with maximum benefits and low risk for all parties.
FNBC® Jacksonville’s affiliation with FNBC™ allows the agency to take advantage of the network’s experience of brokering the sale of thousands of different businesses since 1982.
FNBC™ provides FNBC® Jacksonville with access to hundreds of business listings, co-brokering with the other FNBC™ offices and it’s dozens of sales associates, nationally recognized training and mentoring, a successful operation system, and optional on-going support, which will lead FNBC® to becoming a highly respected intermediary in the Florida area.
FNBC® is also a member of the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce and the Better Business Bureau, and enthusiastically supports those organization’s activities.
FNBC® charges no front fees to Buyers or Sellers for it’s services, but is paid a commission by the Seller at closing on most transactions. We do accept consulting contracts from time to time, to represent Buyers or Sellers, at their request, on special projects. But, on the majority of projects, our services are offered to the parties as an accommodation.
For more information on our fees and commissions, please register with this web site. Upon receipt of your registration/request for more information, we will provide literature or a no-obligation consultation to explain the details.
We have represented literally thousands of business owners over the years in the evaluation, packaging, listing and marketing of their business assets. Our sales associates are dedicated to our goal of “Business Buying, Selling and Financing Made Easy”.
Providing no-obligation consultation with business owners.
Professional analysis of the owner’s business financial records, to help identify all the benefits of ownership that might be available to a buyer.
Providing a free opinion of how to price your business
First class packaging of your business for resale, at no extra charge
Extensive advertising (paid for by our company) to discover qualified buyers
Management of confidentiality so that owners can be assured of maximum possible cooperation by the parties to maintain the owner’s confidentiality.
Screening of buyer candidates by our agency.
Management by us of the due diligence process to make sure there is minimum interference in the operation of the owner’s business.
Arranging by our sales associate of the Offer To Purchase/Letter Of Intent process.
Our assisting buyers in the arranging of the financing needed to complete the acquisition.
Our volunteering to assist the parties in the UCC and creditor clearance duties, to insure the business is being conveyed provably debt free.
Management of the closing process, including working with the lawyers, accountants, bankers, appraisers (when applicable), surveyors and other professionals involved in the orderly closing of a business sale transaction.
Our clients, the business owners, and our customers, the business buyers, appreciate our deep commitment to managing the acquisition with professionalism and minimum risk to the parties.
No-obligation consultation to identify the buyers “ideal acquisition” criteria
Search of our considerable inventory of hundreds of present listings of businesses for sale to see if there is a business “in-stock” that will meet the buyer’s goals.
Notification to our other sales associates and offices of each buyer’s criteria, in an effort to discover additional opportunities which might be available to the buyer.
Arranging for the buyer to understand and agree to the need for confidentiality.
Full disclosure to buyers of all the facts known about each listing.
Providing the buyer with professionally analyzed financial records on each business we show a buyer.
Our arranging of meetings between the buyer and each seller, and coordination of “live tours” of the businesses the buyer is considering purchasing.
Management of the buyer’s Offer To Purchase/Letter Of Intent activities.
Our sales associates\' assisting the buyer in the arranging of the financing related to their acquisition
Relations with the buyer’s lender to insure the lender has all the materials needed to review and process the Buyer\'s loan.
Our assisting the buyer and seller in the efficient completion of the due diligence activities.
Our volunteering to assist the parties in the UCC and creditor clearance activities, to insure that the business assets conveyed are provably debt free.
Managing the closing process, including working with the attorneys, accountants, appraisers (when applicable), surveyors and other professionals to insure a clean conveyance, with minimum risk, and maximum benefit for all parties.
Conducting special searches, upon request, for business buyers.
Our sales associates\' primary goal is to manage each project so that all parties are satisfied, comfortable and confident that the transaction accomplishes their needs and objectives.
Entrepreneurs who are considering buying or selling a business are encouraged to register with this FNBC™ web site to arrange to receive information which can help you investigate how you might buy or sell a business enterprise with minimum risk and maximum benefit to you.
We will then provide you with information and a no-cost, no obligation consultation, including an evaluation of your project.
To register, click on “Register with FNBC™”.

FNBC® Florida - Jacksonville
The Arbor Building
7400 Baymeadows Way - Suite 100
Jacksonville, Florida 32256
Phone: (904) 733-2115
Fax: (904) 733-2118

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