"Business Buying and Selling made easy"
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Financing Information

Our licensed offices, keenly aware of the importance of every aspect of the transfer of ownership of business assets, have, since 1982, provided services to buyers and sellers that are designed to facilitate the conveyance with low risk and maximum benefit for all parties.
One of the most important elements is finding financing for the acquisition, which has been our offices' specialty throughout our history. It has been a major factor in successfully assisting in the completion of thousands of sales of businesses of all kinds, all types, all prices over the decades.
Our sales associates have arranged the financing for hundreds of millions of dollars in small business loans since 1982.

Our licensed offices charge no advance fees to business buyers or sellers for this financing assistance. This service can sometimes cost thousands of dollars per transaction from other sources of financing research.
Our sales associates assist with this vital aspect because it insures that the transaction will proceed in an orderly fashion. We have always provided this assistance as an accommodation to the buyer and seller.
These free financing services are being offered by FNBC™ licensed offices on every transaction involving the sale of a business bought through our brokerages.
Included in the no-charge financing research services our licensed offices provide are:
Packaging of the transaction in a professional way, consistent with the packaging guidelines of each potential lender. Professional packaging includes assembling the literature and facts about the business being acquired, the business financial records and analysis of cash flow, photos of the business, and the assembly of the information about the buyer that the lender(s) require.
Analyzing the business financials to identify the cash flow available from the business' operations that could be used to pay the new owner's acquisition loan. This also provides cash flow for the buyer to realize his/her salary/draws out of the business, and to provide the buyer with a return on investment from the business cash flow.
Our associates take a conservative approach to analyzing, using the business' present sales and recast cash flow, and we rarely rely on projections or proforma approaches to forecasting future cash flow. This ensures the buyer and lender(s) can confirm that the buyer could service the contemplated debt, out of the business' present cash flow. The packaging and analysis of records also serves as a basic requirement of the loan packet presented by the buyer to the lender(s) for their approval of the project.
Presentation of the loan request to lender(s), who, from our wide experience in finding small business loans, are likely to be receptive to providing the buyer with funding for the project.
Follow up with lender(s) to determine which lender(s) have preliminarily approved the loan. We then report to the buyer the terms of each lender's loan, including proposed interest, length of pay-back, and other proposed terms, if any.
Introducing the buyer to the lender(s) who are interested in making the loan.
Assisting the buyer in filling out of SBA loan application documents, when applicable.
Coordination and management of the details of the due diligence process. This assists the buyer, seller and lender in completing the preparations for a closing on the transaction, including our affiliated office working with the attorneys, accountants, realtors, title companies, appraisers, EPA technicians, surveyors, and/or any other professionals who might be involved in the transaction's due diligence phase.
Arranging the closing details, including the production of UCC search documents (when applicable), completion of the work associated with clearing the debts of the seller and the performance of any Bulk Transfer details, creation of the Closing Statements needed for the closing, coordination of the funds disbursal details, arranging of the closing location, and assembling and copying of the closing documents so all parties have copies at closing.
Buyers benefit as they have access to many more lenders through FNBC™ affiliated offices' large data base of active lenders. And, the buyers benefit from having professional packaging provided at no charge by our offices, thereby giving their acquisition project its best chance of review and approval by lenders.
Sellers benefit as it makes it more likely that, with our affiliates help, buyers will obtain adequate financing and thereby be more able to consummate the transaction.
Lenders benefit and appreciate our services, as they are assured that the projects submitted by FNBC™ affiliated offices have been "pre-qualified" by our offices, and are projects that are likely to be reasonably structured, priced, documented, and able to conservatively be approved, with minimum risk for the lender.

All our Licensed Offices have instant access to this lender data base, which is composed of active lenders nationwide. We constantly research new sources of financing and add those sources to the list, as well as deleting lenders who have not been recently active in aggressive approvals of small business loans.
Some of these lenders are large, national non-bank lenders. Some are local banking institutions. Others are investment groups. With our dozens of sales associates, in the many Licensed Offices, daily assisting in the arranging of financing for the large quantity of different transactions we handle every year, we are able to "stay on the cutting edge" of financing service providing.
Entrepreneurs who are considering buying or selling a business are encouraged to register with this FNBC™ web site to arrange to receive information which can help you investigate how you might finance the acquisition of a business enterprise purchased through our business brokerage offices, with maximum benefit and minimum risk to you.
Our licensed office will then provide you with information and a no cost, no obligation consultation. To register, click on "Register with FNBC™" at the top of this page.